Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Desk: Epitome of Hierarchy

Where I come from your choice to be or not to be a gossiper can either make or break you. For me and a handful of colleagues it's gained us some respect.

                                  The Epitome of Hierarchy
             (Image from

Where I come from a desk, as I was surprised to learn, is the epitome of hierarchy.So yesterday as I sat in our first micro-management session of 2010 the dictator popped the question: "So who's next in line for a terms of hierarchy?"

I pretended not to hear our dictator. My eyes were glued to the floor and my lips zipped shut. Where I come from it doesn't matter if you don't want to answer a question. The gossipers among us take it upon themselves to answer on our behalf.

Of course, after the dictator's chief source openly informed him I was next in line, I refused the desk. Some people here don't think I'm very smart. How could I have refused the epitome of hierarchy? I must be mad. Crazy I tell you! Refuse a desk? The symbol of seniority in this great place! Ha!

Where I come from an old desk, with draws full of God knows what horrors, doesn't improve my skills nor does it provide me with motivation of any kind. Where I come from only a good sense of humour and passion for what I do keep me going.

Desks, in the place I come from, really represent a false sense of value and serve as reminders to most in here that they've hit the highest place in the organisational structure they can go.

1 comment:

  1. amen 2 tht ish! truer words can never b spoken.
