Friday, January 15, 2010

My Dearest Raine

Dear Raine,

I must apologise for not blogging since...well for not blogging in a while. Even though you've been on me to do it for...well for a while.

You see this is what happened: I have been working on what I thought was this really awesome super witty blog and then I got stuck and I decided to scrap the blog. Because really who reads our blog anyway?

Now don't you go feeling bad and think we should take our blog down because somewhere out there, there are people reading. And you do post some hilarious shit! A bit on the mean side sometimes but definitely hilarious.

Yes but as I was saying I hit this block and I thought and I thought and I thought some more about what to write that would live up to our name. You know I really wanted whoever reads this to "suck on it". But then I couldn't come up with something.

And then it hit me! Not like light bulb going ding hit me but like suck up apology that everybody can read hit me. And think of what a genius idea it is? My suck up apology comes in as a perfect blog and there is some sucking involved like we named this blog! Pure genius ain't it?

So my dearest Raine I killed two birds with one stone and then some. You must be so proud of me? But I already know that so I know that you're reading this and smiling and thinking, "She did me proud!"

And for those who do take the time to read this and think I'm full of myself let me tell you. First I am (but in a good way) and second if you don't like this or have some nasty thought then all I have to say to you is: SUCK ON IT!

Sorry about that Raine,love, I just had to get it out because you know there are some really mean people out there. People, few though they be that read this, who are mean and have mean thoughts and I just had to address them.

But anyway, my dearest Raine I have to be going. I just wanted to do my duty as a contributor to this blog and to offer you a public suck up, I mean apology, to not doing my duty. Do take care of yourself my dear and do not take to heart the contents of this letter because really its motive is mostly selfish.

Yours sincerely,
Rose V

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