Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dear Rose V

Dear Rose V:

So I see you've risen from your sexless period with a sexed up piece (the letter). I like it by the way.

And dude, I've got balls so I won't get overly dramatic and pull our blog down just because no one reads it.

I tend to be an optimist most times and I believe as many people as we want will be sucking on this soon. Just the other day one of our colleagues was telling me how mellow I've become. Scary, eh?

You see, Rose, fame is not what I seek from this little project of ours. I'm not saying that I wouldn't welcome fame though.

I, my friend, am one of writing's many lovers and this is how I make love to my lover. This blog is not for shallow asses who have nothing better to do than pick on our passion. No it is for you, Rose; it is for me; it is for us to share with each other and people we care to show this part of ourselves.

This, Rose, is perhaps our first step to fame. You see, my dear friend, this is how I enhance my love making skills. This is how I will learn, word by word, to be a worthy lover of writing.

Well, now that I have all those sinfully emotional thoughts out of my head I feel like a woman! (I was about to say fool but what's the difference really? I'll be dealing with this in a later post so please don't respond to it!)

Thank you for starting this new culture. You see? I did learn one good thing about what is perhaps a woman's worst trait. I learnt that by nagging constantly you can get anyone, if they don't murder you first, to do brilliant things!

Yours Sincerely,
R. Alexander

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