That is what happend to me!
So yesterday I went to a friend's house and she introduced me to one of her uncles who then offered me food. Now I love Dall and curry.
Let's side track a bit so that I can tell you about curry. When Indian people make curry it's dark, it's spicy, it's mouth watering, it's fricking delicious! One thing it's not is hairy!
Now back on track. He offered me food so I said I'll have a little. While I love to eat I don't like to eat about the place. (My mom drilled it in me that it's not healthy, "and you ain't see how they preparing it" or something like that she'll say.)
So there I was debating whether or not to refuse. Eventually I gave in and my good friend had the good sense to take out a small portion. God bless her!
Now I started to eat the food. It wasn't bad and the uncle was being so hospitable showing photos of his family and giving me an unwanted run down of who's who all while my friend's trying to
The scary part comes here. I took a piece of chicken and started to mix a little rice with it and I noticed something. It was short, black and thin. It wasn't a spice!I did two things at once: I supressed the urge to throw up right there and I tried to school my face from showing exactly how grossed out I was.
So to be polite and trying to hide the utter disgust I felt from my voice, I innocently ask, "What is that?" What I really wanted to say was, "WTF is this?" The funny part was when my dear friend looked over and goes, "Oh it's a hair," and went back to looking at the pictures.
Now she was mortified but she played it cool. Me, on the other hand, still wanting to hurl, made a big show of tentatively placing the hair at the side of the plate. At that point I could not hide my feelings. I was told it was all over my face!
I learnt a valuable lesson that night. The next time I feel like saying no, I'll say no!
I'm not sure that finding a hair in your food is bad for your health but it sure is disgusting to find one there. It's gross because you end up thinking about that hair and where it probally came from! I shudder at the thought alone!
But I have to give props to my friend. She handled the situation really well as you can handle having your guest finding a hair in their food!
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