It's almost 8:30 on New Years Eve and I'm still in the office. This is how fun my life can get so plz ppl don't get too psyched!
Anyway, as I was saying I'd rather be anywhere but here, unfortunately my options are home...oh yeah and home. But since I prefer to look at the bright side of crappy situations...give me a sec I'm thinking of bright sides to this...
Aha I got a bright side! The new year will meet me with a clean room but a basket full of laundry...wait that was suppose to be a bright side....let me think again...

(Photo from
Hmmm...thinking....thinking...oh yeah! I can spend the night at Raine's and we'll have grey goose, write poems and think of future blogs! And as fun as that is (really I think that is fun) I still don't want to be there.
So where do I want to be? I want to be out dancing in the New Year. The problem? I don't know much persons so that I can like call and be, "Hey, what you up to let's do something" Now Raine does but right now Raine is occupied!
Yes, I'd like to be anywhere but here but I'd also like to be somewhere where I am going to have a good time. But instead I have to spend the New Year at home (alone) and think of the year I had and what I hope happens in the New Year!
Mind you I'm not making a resolution, I don't do that, but I'll certainly be doing some reflecting...that Grey Goose sounds like the best company I'll be having this night!
Happy New Year y'all!